When we're in a restful, deep slumber we have zero restrictions. We're autonomous spirits without limitation or biased opinion. We can fly, we can say and do anything and become anyone we want. We have freedom, blissful freedom. We haven't the wall of doubt to scale nor the fear of falling once we've reached the top of that wall. Our subconcious mind is no longer standing guard once we fall asleep thus allowing us to exercise and live, without impunity, those ideas which our conscious mind had repressed and charged us as perception of guilt.
Why can't we break free of these repressions and constraints while we're walking down the street or talking with a friend?
You can!
It's a matter of containing and training our ego to coalesce with our unconscious mind. The end result being balance and harmony of self.
One way I've come to merge both my conscious, irrational mind with my subconscious, stressless mind is with deep contemplation and meditation. Once I've blessed the new day, I give myself a minimum of 20 minutes to sit comfortably and reflect on what I had experienced during the night while I was lucidly dreaming. I write my reflections in my journal and thank myself then close with a small prayer.
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